Friday 18 July 2008

Worcester Calling

Just a couple of days after the tragic news of Steve Jeyne's death was made public, his widow, Joy, wrote briefly of Steve's vision for a Christian Centre in Worcester and called upon us to continue to pray for the city.

A number of people have responded to that call, urging us not to allow this tragedy to be in vain. In particular, on July 9th, Jan Hill wrote:

Don’t let this tragidy be in vain, as Steve united us last Monday in his death let him unite Worcester in his memory. Let us who come from all different churches and fellowships, old and young, come together to change Worcester and see answers to many prayers.

Don’t let this gentle man’s life be forgotton. He was a shinning light in a dark city.

If we walk away now and do nothing we do a great disservice to the life of Steve Jeynes. Let this be the begining, a laying down of all preducies and a uniting of all beleivers in this city and beyond.

When I think of Steve, I see Jesus. He had the same common touch. He loved all and most of all he loved His God and it showed.

Steve had a dream, to open a drop in cafe and bookshop where people could come and be loved and welcomed. He talked about it to many, he longed for St Helen’s to open her doors again and fulfil that dream. It could happen, if we cut through all the red tape issues that stop that dream coming true. Let us help to fulfil one man’s desire, to honour one man’s life, a man who loved Worcester and all its people.

We need our leaders of all churches to come together, to work together and to begin to see what God will do when we are united.

Sorry about some of the spellings…

This was followed on July 12th by Ted Duckett, who wrote:

Jan Hill’s moving testimony to Steve struck a deep chord with my wife and me. I don’t know you, Jan, but I do agree with you that we must not let this tragedy be in vain. I worked at SPCK for some years, and my wife (Ginny) was a colleague of Steve’s until February this year when she was sacked. We shared his vision of a drop-in cafe and bookshop at St Helen’s, and worked together on his proposal. Your words are so true - “let’s cut through all the red tape that stop that dream coming true…. We need our leaders of all churches to come together, to work together, and to begin to see what God will do when we are united.”

Ginny and I would be glad to hear from anyone who shares this vision.

Many of us have been encouraged to see the plans coming together for a new Christian bookshop in Cardiff.

Let's now hope and pray and do all in our power to ensure that something similar emerges in Worcester!

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